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Re: Florida at Christmas - 未名空间精华区
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Re: Florida at Christmas

发信人: loggie (二黑 天高云淡 清秋心平), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: Florida at Christmas
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Nov 21 13:54:37 2000), 转信

oops, seems the holiday season is really robbing people. :)

i think you may try to search thru different car rental companies' websites
to see if they have good internet deals. or, if you didn't purcahse your
air tix yet, change your arrival city to anther one. like Tampa, not Orlando,
Miami, not Ft Landerdale. you may drive a little, but gonna save some bucks.

not sure if this can work in FL. but after i changed my arrival city from
DC to Baltimore, found out that compact car rental is around 120 a week
in BWI, instead of 160 in IAD. it's an hour more driving though.

Another way is to rent a car in local rental agencies, not in airport ones.
it means you must have someone to pick up and drop off u guys at airport
though. but it gonna be cheaper since no airport taxes/fees.

【 在 Phoenix (有凤来仪) 的大作中提到: 】
: Sure I did but none of them offers a fair price. I also tried bidding on
: priceline but can't win the bid either. I offered 21+tax/day for eco cars.
: After losing the bid, they can't allow me offer a higher price without
: changing the date or type of cars. Any tip? Thanks a lot.
: 【 在 loggie (二黑 天高云淡 清秋心平) 的大作中提到: 】
: did u check expedia/amexp travel/travelocity?
: i think FL rental is always cheaper.
: 【 在 Phoenix (有凤来仪) 的大作中提到: 】
: : My ticket to Miami is more than twice of yours. :((((
: : R u flying from Boston? My trip is a bit further tho. en, from SF. :)
: : I checked car rental price, goddamn expensive two. Most offers are higher
: : than 300/week. Killing me. I've already spent up my Dec./Jan's paycheck
: : in advance.:(

厚积薄发, 秉诚度世

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]


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